Monday, January 27, 2020

Modern society in the UK and Saudi Arabia

Modern society in the UK and Saudi Arabia Modern society has many definitions and this essay will introduce one of them, It is a society indicated that same modern about a basis of age, or technological and social or indeed anything else. Moreover, is the modern period of the developed world different to that of the less developed world .(Llexperts) Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom have similarities in modern society such as the Monarchy and differences in modern society such as the culture. Also, they have differences and similarities in youth culture, social welfare, gender roles, and population and I will describe them later in the main body for this essay. I have chosen this topic because I am studying in the United Kingdom and I want learn and research more about the modern society in the UK and I will compare modern society in the UK and Saudi Arabia. First of all, will be given information about the youth culture in Saudi Arabia and the UK such as what the young people prefer of clothes, sport, carsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc. Secondly, compare and evaluate the social welfare such as education, social programme, hospital. In the UK and Saudi Arabia. Finally, the gender roles in the UK and Saudi Arabia what job they prefer and what the opportunity for them in the future. Analysis: In youth culture mean what distinguishes human rights as an object sane thinker develops ideas and knowledge by thinking and experiences and learn from others, and of the basic instincts shared by human and animal is jealous of assembly youth culture in general Indicates to the ways of young people such as teens differentiate themselves from the general culture of their community. There are many differences and similarities between the youth culture in the UK and the KSA. The main difference between the young people in the UK and the KSA is that in the UK most of young people spend the time at the weekend in the pop or club with the friends while in the KSA most of young people spend the time with the family and friends in the house, beach, and coffee shop. That mean the crime is increase in the UK at the weekend because the young people were drunk and did behave badly whereas in the KSA better and they will do behave well.(BBC) Young people in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia are similar in that they have interested for sport, according to, (Haynes, R. 1995). Says that The Football Imagination is the first in-depth study of football fanzine (fan magazine) culture, contributing to the extensive body of knowledge on the football industry which has developed over the past 25 years in the UK and Europe As will as sporting, United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia are similar in terms of slang, More importantly, they share the same cultural beliefs. But maybe this custom can be effect for the Arabic and English language because nobody can be use the old language and maybe the people has forgotten it also make the language difficult for the people who need to learn other language. Gender mean that eliminating gender disparity, or otherwise cancel the impact of biological differences between the sexes and to prevent without taking into account those differences when dealing with the distribution of roles and functions between the sexes; where indicates that the concept of gender roles that have been classified social impact of the community.(moheet). According to faqs says that What is male? What is female? Your answers to these questions may depend on the types of gender roles you were exposed to as a child. Gender roles can be defined as the behaviors and attitudes expected of male and female members of a society by that society. Gender roles vary. Different cultures impose different expectations upon the men and women who live in that culture. The United States has experienced tremendous upheaval and revising of its traditional gender roles in the last generation. These changes in gender roles affect the home, the workplace, and the school, and they affect all Americans to some degree. There are many differences and similarities between the gender roles in the UK and the KSA. The main difference between the girl in the UK and KSA is that in the UK, the girl can drive a car, whereas in the KSA the girl can not drive as well. But may be in the future the girl will drive because there are no differences between the girl and men also according to the king Abdullah says women well be drive a car in future in the KSA nearly. While the people in the UK male and female can work together as a one team, the people in the KSA male and female can not work together unless in the specific job such as the bank or the companies. Because the culture in the KSA it does not accept that. Even though, mix gender in work has some advantages for example, will increase competition with the other, the women will try to prove their presence in the work, and the man will be interested in appearance and dressed, whenever he went to his job. Also, mix gender in the work has some disadvantages such as Sexual harassment. According to ( Hinsliff,G. 2006) says A hidden world of sexual harassment, with female managers exploiting their power over men in the office, has been unveiled by a new government survey. Despite the common stereotype of the male executive putting pressure on his secretary, two in five victims of sexual harassment are men, the study found. A quarter of the men questioned in the Department of Trade and Industry survey reported being pestered by a client whom they also felt obliged to please. According to the Equal Opportunities Commission, 8 per cent of calls to its sexual harassment helpline are from men, even though research shows male victims are less likely than women to complain. It insists that male complaints should be taken just as seriously. It affects both women and men, causing stress, health problems and financial penalties when they leave their jobs to avoid it, said Jenny Watson, chair of the EOC. Legally, sexual harassment is defined not just as lecherous behavior such as groping, but as any form of denigration of workers because of their sex. Male victims were more likely than women to complain of the second kind of harassment where a female manager treats women more favorably than men or criticizes male employees more regularly . As well as women can not drive in the KSA, UK and KSA are differences in the facility for the women such as sport the women in the KSA they do not have choice to play sport where as in the UK they can play. Football, rugby, and swimming. Welfare mean that the range of efforts made by the State through it is institutions, and members of the community through the efforts of volunteers to achieve social welfare and housing programs include social security and child careà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.etc. Also, the social welfare mean the Pattern of services the organization that are submitted by families or the countries or voluntary organizations to prevent or improve the social conditions.( ejtemay) According to wikipedia says Welfare or welfare work consists of actions or procedures especially on the part of governments and institutions striving to promote the basic well-being of individuals in need. These efforts usually strive to improve the financial situation of people in need but may also strive to improve their employment chances and many other aspects of their lives including sometimes their mental health. In many countries, most such aid is provided by family members, relatives, and the local community and is only theoretically available from government sources. In American English, welfare is often also used to refer to financial aid provided to individuals in need, which is called benefit(s) or welfare benefits in British English. Welfare can take a variety of forms, such as monetary payments, subsidies and vouchers, health services, or housing. Welfare can be provided by governments, non-governmental organizations, or a combination of the two. Welfare schemes may be funded directly by governments, or in social insurance models, by the members of the welfare scheme . UK and KSA are dissimilar in education, especially with fee. Students in KSA can study without pay anything, whereas students in UK have paid for that. According to says Undergraduates pay up to  £3000 per annum (capped) in top-up fees and Postgraduates typically pay  £3000 per annum however some institutions charge more ,while students in KSA have got monthly allowance from government to encourage them.(moe) Health care system in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia are similar in that they have good health care system according to says Healthcare in the United Kingdom is a devolved matter, meaning England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales each has its own system of private and publicly-funded healthcare, together with alternative, holistic and complementary treatments. Public healthcare is provided to all UK permanent residents and is free at the point of need being paid for from general taxation. Taken together, the World Health Organization, in 2000, ranked the provision of healthcare in the United Kingdom as fifteenth best in Europe and eighteenth in the world. Also, KSA has good health care system according to says The positions of access or the health of the population of Saudi Arabia to the fullest extent possible and the best in terms of justice and equality in care and in terms of effectiveness and the possibility of carrying the financial burde n of treatment and health care and to work in order to reach the level of the consumer to satisfy his ambitions, by providing this special home health services and the public with a high level of quality and services to cover the entire population Finally, there are differences between the UK and KSA for the housing that the UK support the people whereas the KSA it does not. According to Page Richard (223:1999) says that In 1900 around 10 per cent of housing was owner occupied and 90 per cent was rented from privet landlords and in 1995 , 77 per cent dwelling in the UK were either owner occupied or rented from privet landlords Conclusion: The most striking feature that British government help the British people more than Saudis government but some of the young people did not care. Also, the UKs government help the people by give them houses as a free whereas the Saudis government did not do it. The KSA government support the students by give them scholarships to study outside the country at about 20000 students in the UK and 40000 students in the USA also in Canada, Australia, Japan, France, China, Spain, New Zealand, Germany, and Malaysia at about 150000 students . (moe)

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Battle of Trafalgar Essay

The Battle of Trafalgar was the most significant battle won by the British against the combined forces of the French and Spanish fleets during the Napoleonic Wars. This battle also had significant impact on the concept of navigation when it comes to the Naval Doctrine of War. This battle proved that tactical unorthodoxy could win battles; even though you might be outmanned and outgunned by your opponent you can still win battles by deviating from the old Naval Doctrine. This battle was part of a much larger campaign called the Trafalgar campaign which included several different battles that led up to the final battle at Trafalgar. This campaign was a long and complicated series of fleet maneuvers carried out by the combined French and Spanish fleets and the opposing moves of the British Royal Navy during much of 1805. These were the culmination of French plans to force a passage through the English Channel, and so achieve a successful invasion of the United Kingdom. The plans were extremely complicated and proved to be impractical. Much of the detail was due to the personal intervention of Napoleon, who was a soldier rather than a sailor. This was largely because Napoleon failed to consider the effects of weather, difficulties in communication, and the intervention of the Royal Navy. Despite limited successes in achieving some elements of the plan the French commanders were unable to follow the main objective through to execution. The campaign, which took place over thousands of miles of ocean, was marked by several naval engagements, most significantly at the Battle of Trafalgar on 21 October 1805. The naval doctrine at the time dictated that both sides should line up parallel to eachother in a straight line so that they could engage in battle and bring all their guns to bear against the enemy. One of the reasons for the development of the line of battle was to help the admiral control the fleet. If all the ships were in line, signaling in battle became possible. The line also had defensive properties, allowing either side to disengage by breaking away in formation. If the attacker chose to continue combat their line would be broken as well. This type of warfare allowed each side to fight a battle and then to disengage at any time to minimize the losses to their fleet. However with England under threat of invasion by Napoleon and his grand army, British Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson needed to ensure that the British were in control of the seas. In order to do this Nelson needed to fight and win a decisive battle that would clearly establish Britain’s naval supremacy. However in order to do this he would have to make sure that the combined French and Spanish fleets actually remained in the battle long enough to win a decisive victory. What Nelson planned on doing was instead of lining up parallel to the opposing fleet, Nelson would take his navy and charge at the enemy and deliberately cut the their battle line in two. This type of deviation from normal naval warfare in terms of navigation was unheard of at the time. Despite the risk to the British fleet, Nelson believed that this was the best way to engage the enemy fleet in the upcoming battle because it had numerous advantages. The primary advantage was that this would allow the British to cut half of the enemy fleet off, surround it, and force a fight to the end. This is unlike normal engagements where the battle was often inconclusive due to the fact that both fleets would withdraw before a clear winner could be seen. The plan had three principal advantages. First, it would allow the British fleet to close with the Franco-Spanish fleet as quickly as possible, reducing the chance that it would be able to escape without fighting. Second, it would quickly bring on close quarters battle by breaking the Franco-Spanish line and inducing a series of individual ship-to-ship fights, in which the British were likely to prevail. Nelson knew that the better seamanship, faster gunnery, and higher morale of his crews were great advantages. Third, it would bring a decisive concentration on the rear of the Franco-Spanish fleet. The ships in the front of the enemy fleet would have to turn back to support the rear, and this would take a long time. Additionally, once the Franco-Spanish line had been broken, their ships would be relatively defenseless to powerful broadsides from the British fleet and would take a long time to reposition and return fire. The main drawback of this strategy was that sailing the British fleet into the combined French and Spanish battle line, the British ships would be fully exposed to the enemy broadsides without the ability to return fire. In order to lessen the time the fleet was exposed to this danger Nelson would have to drive the fleet straight into the enemy battle line as fast as he could. This was yet another departure from navigation rules of naval warfare. Nelson was also well aware that French and Spanish gunners were ill-trained, nd would probably be supplemented with soldiers. These untrained men and would have difficulty firing accurately from a moving gun platform. This was in stark comparison to British gunners who were well drilled, and the Royal Marines who were expert marksmen. Another advantage that the British fleet had was that the enemy was sailing across a heavy swell, causing the ships to roll heavily and exacerbating these problems. Nelson’s plan was indeed a gamble, but a carefully calculated one. The battle itself started exactly as Nelson wanted it to. The British fleet was able to successfully cut the French and Spanish battle line in half thus forcing a close quarter’s battle. Despite the huge risk that Nelson was taking his plan ended up working. Nelson scored a huge victory against the combined French and Spanish fleet. He managed to capture over twenty of the enemy ships and inflicted heavy casualties against while suffering few casualties himself. Unfortunately during the battle Nelson was pierced by a musket ball and died from his wounds before he could see the outcome of the victory. Some argue that his loss outweighed any gains made by the British Navy. Following the battle, the Royal Navy was never again seriously challenged by the French fleet in a large-scale engagement. Napoleon had already abandoned his plans of invasion before the battle and they were never revived. This battle firmly established Britain’s naval supremacy over France. In terms of navigation, this battle was very significant. The most important thing is that it proved that following standard navigational techniques during an engagement won’t always win a battle. The best tactic is to be unpredictable so that the enemy has to adapt to what you are doing thus giving you the tactical advantage. This is exactly what Nelson did in the Battle of Trafalgar and it paid off. He proved that sometimes in battle deviating from the norm of battle navigation is the best thing to do, and ever since navies around the world have looked to the strategies employed by Nelson. What is being done today is that naval commanders are being educated about naval history so that they can learn and even employ these types of strategies if they need to in battle. In conclusion, the Battle of Trafalgar was a turning point in which ships would fight naval battles in terms of navigation due to the tactical unorthodoxy employed by Nelson. This battle has had long term effects and even today commanders look back and employ some of the same strategies used. The importance of this battle cannot be underestimated because not only was it the turning point in the Napoleonic Wars for the British in terms of establishing naval supremacy at the time, it was a turning point in naval warfare. Navigation would never be the same thanks to one man and one decisive battle.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Effect of Playing Computer Games among Pupils Essay

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Today computer games have become a popular source of entertainment especially to the younger generation. Computer games are even now having their own worldwide professional gaming league. This has proved that nowadays the society worldwide has accepted computer games seriously. The popularity of computer games has also inspired numerous researches being conducted to study its elements and the various effects of playing computer games. The term computer game is in sharp competition with video games, console games, and arcade games. Video games and console games usually mean games connected to a TV, whereas arcade games means games placed in public spaces. Computer games on the other hand, are occasionally used to mean games played on a personal computer (PC). However, since all of these areas have been developed in close parallel and because all of these games are played on computers, most researchers use the term computer game to represent all of these areas as a whole. Computer games first came into existence in the 1960s with the introduction of a shoot-up game called Spacewar!. Since then,  computer games have become a regular part of life for many people due to its increased popularity. The computer game has changed from being primarily played at an arcade to be primarily played in the home. According to Carr et al. (2006), the computer game is one of the most exciting and rapidly evolving media of our time. Evidence can be seen from the Internet where online games are one of the fastest growing areas. Computer games are also no longer just for kids. Today, the majority of players are adults who are attracted to the increasingly sophisticated and complexities of the games. Whether the players are kids, or teenagers, or mature adults, whether they are casual garners or hardcore garners, researchers admit that computer games can be addictive. However, there are also claims that playing these computer games contribute to thinking. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study determines to know the Effects of Playing Computer Games among Grade IV Pupils in Sultan Naga Dimaporo Integrated School on their Academic Performance. Specially, it sought to answer the following questions: 1. What are the respondents profile in terms of: 1.1 Age 1.2 Gender 1.3 Religion 1.4 Grade / Year Level 1.5 Academic Performance 2. What are the effects of playing computer games among respondents on their academic performance? 3. What implication may be drawn from the findings of the study? OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The main objective of the study is to determine the Effects of Playing Computer Games among Grade IV Pupils in Sultan Naga Dimaporo Integrated School on their Academic Performance. This study intended to: 1. study the effects of playing computer games among Grade IV Pupils in Sultan Naga Dimaporo Integrated School on their Academic Performance; 2. discover what are the games that the respondents loved to play; and 3. analyze data  collected from the questionnaire using statistical method to devise conclusions. SCOPE AND LIMITATION This study focuses on the Effects of Playing Computer Games among Grade IV Pupils in Sultan Naga Dimaporo Integrated School on their Academic Performance. This study limits to the structured survey questionnaires to obtain the respondent’s profile distribution in terms of their age, gender, religion, grade / year level, and academic performance, the effect of computer games on the academic performance of respondents, and the implication maybe drawn from the findings of the study. The study concerns only to Grade – IV Pupils who are officially enrolled in Sultan Naga Dimaporo Integrated School. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study will serve as a guide for those who are concern with the academic performance of their children. Computer Games become popular because of an unusual ability or quality. It is undeniable that these games reached at home, schools and especially in businesses of many people not only in the Philippines but around the world. In Malaysia, computer games has had a deep act of going through among university students because of being part of the campus community, the students have better access to computers either on or off campus. These study findings can become a source of reference to stakeholders in elementary and the pupils about computer games. Through this study, the researcher will be able to collect data and obtain information that contributes to the understanding of how computer games affect the academic performance of respondents. When the effects are made clear, elementary teachers will be able to devise a more effective teaching and learning approach. Questions on whether computer games among pupils must be encouraged or should lectures/tutorials incorporate computer games to make learning more fun can then be answered. THEORITICAL CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK In this study, several theories have been forwarded and considered to give credibility to the study. Children who play video games for up to an hour a day are happier, more sociable and less hyperactive than those who don’t play at all, research has found. Despite widespread fears that video game usage is harmful, an Oxford University study of boys and girls aged between 10 and 15 found that playing for up to sixty minutes a day could actually be beneficial. â€Å"Young people who indulged in a little video game-playing were associated with being better adjusted than those who had never played or those who were on video games for three hours or more,† it concluded. â€Å"Those who played video games for less than an hour†¦ were associated with the highest levels of sociability and were most likely to say they were satisfied with their lives. They also appeared to have fewer friendship and emotional problems, and reported less hyperactivity than the other groups.† ( Gosden, Emily 2014) Computer games are defined as interactive entertainment software played on various platforms such as personal computers, game consoles and handheld devices (Teh, Ismail, & Toh, 2007). As defined by (Dempsey, Lucassen, Haynes, & Casey, 1997), â€Å"A game is a set of activities involving one or more players which has goals, constraints and consequences. A game is rule-guided and artificial in some respect. A game also involves some aspects of a contest or a trial of skill or ability, even if the contest is with oneself’. There are four common factors that lie in games which are representation, interaction, conflict and safety. When a computer is used to present the game and to act as an opponent or as a referee, then it is a computer game (Crawford, 1984). Computer games have some advantages that make them more popular than traditional games. First, they attract people by creating the illusion of being immersed in an imaginative virtual world with computer graphics and sound (Amory, Naicker, Vincent, & Adam, 1999). Second, the goals of computer games are typically more interactive than that of traditional games, which brings players a stronger desire to win the game. Third, computer games usually designed with an optimal level of information complexity, can easily provoke players’ curiosity. Consequently, computer games intrinsically motivate players by bringing them more fantasy, challenge, and curiosity, which are the three main elements contributing the fun in games (Malone, 1981). CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Figure 1 presented the Schematic Diagram. The variables considered are the  respondents’ age, gender, religion, grade / year level and academic performance. Spending more times playing computer games may affect the academic performance of pupils. Investigation on the academic performance of respondents would lead to making implications and recommendations on the effects of playing computer. Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Conceptual Framework of the Study